Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Iron Man 2: Will it surpass the first one?

Thought 1: I have been reading early reviews for the much anticipated Iron Man 2 and I gotta say, they don't seem as good as the previous installment. However, its just a critic like you and me. I will still see the film and expect some great special effects and a solid story. I am planning on seeing it this coming Friday at Springdale 18.

Thought 2: I am really hoping this sequel will not flop like Transformers 2. Yes, it will make the cash, but will it deliver the spirit we know as Iron Man?

Though 3: I try not to spoil myself with all these reviews, but it's everywhere! It will be a big film this weekend and possibly the next coming weeks.

Thought 4: I want another Batman film very soon. July 2012 is too far away!

Well my review will be posted shortly after I see Friday's showing.
Be sure to check in


1 comment:

Anonymous said...