Saturday, May 8, 2010

Iron Man 2 Movie Review

Iron man 2 was alot of fun. I saw it tonight at 6 with my friend Matt, who I saw the 1st one with two years ago. 

So this sequel may not be as good as the previous film, but it was extremely entertaining. I loved the special effects and the villians. The main problem I had was the story. It went everywhere. But the film manages to save those scenes with action packed special effects that go way beyond the first film. 
I enjoyed Scarlett Johanson as Black Widow. What a great performance. Robert Downey Jr was good returning to to suit. Don Chedle played a better War Machine than Terrance Howard ever would have. Gweneth Paltrow was pretty annoying. She was another problem I had with the movie. All she did was complain to Tony the whole movie. It got on my last nerves. 

Many people said the end was bad, I disagree. Yes the battle was short but the special effects saved it. Bravo War Machine/Iron Man Team up. My favorite scene was during the end battle when Iron Man blasts off his lasers destroying all the robots. 

This film kicked off my summer and I hope you will feel the same kick as I did.

Final rating 8.5/10

P.S: stay after the credits like you did in the first movie.

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