Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My top 10 favorite things I did this Summer

WOW! Summer's ending already?? I had a crazy summer.

My top ten most favorite things I did this summer:

10. Hang out at home and watch TV.
9. Stay up LATE!
8. Sleeping in till noon (EVEN BETTER!!)
7.Work Camp 2007
6.Read some Harry Potter
5.Go to a pre-season Bengals game. WHO DEY!
4.See the Simpsons Movie "3" times
3.High School Musical 2........... NOT!
My real "3": Columbus
2: Chicago
1. Survivor Hillville 4: Superheroes (my best movie yet!)

Survivor Hillville was fun because I got to hang out with my family, play all these cool games and swim in the Allegheny river. A nice, summer fun week!

Well, I'm off to High School(no musical!)

Summer 2008 awaits!

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